Angle of reflection vs angle of refraction
Angle of reflection vs angle of refraction

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angle of reflection vs angle of refraction

There are three important considerations whenever this happens:ġ. Whenever an incident light traveling through one medium (ie: air with an index of refraction, denoted by "n", of 1) comes into contact with another medium with a high index of refraction (ie: glass with n=1.52), there is a reflected portion (bounces off the surface), and a refracted portion (transmits through the surface).

angle of reflection vs angle of refraction

We will also discuss two special cases, Brewster's Angle and the Critical Angle, which hae valuable applications in optics. In this section, we will discuss some of the basic behaviors of light when it travels from one medium to another. Tech Notes » Reflection & Refraction of Light Tutorial

Angle of reflection vs angle of refraction